I have some exciting news on the weight loss front but I have even more exciting news on the spiritual front. Let me qualify this by stating how amazing God is, how He provides for me always, even when it doesn’t feel like it. 41 days ago I embarked on an amazing journey of spiritual discipline, prayer, self discover, and… fasting. For the last 40 days I have put nothing into my body except juice and water (with 2 exceptions discussed later). I take church ministry very seriously. I think that if God calls you to a work you have every obligation to do it with the utmost excellence, care, and concern because you have an opportunity through that work to impact lives and ultimately impact the Kingdom of God and to not take that seriously is dishonoring to God. I believe that we are all in ministry, we have all been called to the jobs we have for a purpose. My calling just happens to be church planting which I feel has an even higher level of responsibility because the church is the bride of Christ. If I dishonor that… I know how I feel about people who dishonor my bride and I never want to be on the receiving end of those feelings from Jesus.
Jesus says in Matthew 16:18
“And I tell you that you are Peter, and on this rock I will build my church, and the gates of Hades will not overcome it.”
There are a dozen ways I could examine this one verse but what strikes me here, given that I am working with a church plant, is that Jesus will build his church. We have a lot of training, a lot of schooling and data that tells us this strategy or that is effective but the reality of the situation is that we are not in control. Jesus builds His church. What power do we have then? I believe the greatest tool we have in our arsenal is prayer, fasting, and Bible study. If Jesus builds the church then our greatest asset is seeking His favor.
Jesus began His ministry by 40 days of fasting. Since I am the Executive Pastor a church plant I felt it necessary to mimic Christ’s behavior. While fasting I prayed for the church, prayed for my church plant, who to pursue, when, and where. I was in a great place spiritually which is the only reason I attribute to being successful. It was surreal. I did not experience hunger at all. I was mentally hungry, I wanted to taste my favorite foods (juice and water get old fast), but I never felt tempted to actually break the fast. Until the last 5 days I didn’t feel any hunger pains and those that I had at the end were completely manageable. It truly was a spiritual experience. I could not have succeeded if not for God. Last night when it ended I experience what many pastors call a “holy hangover.” This phrase typically means the feeling pastors have on a Monday morning. There is something about doing spiritual work that, when finished, you are left feeling exhausted. I had a bit of a crash last night and am still really tired today, it is a very interesting feeling.
There were two times I broke the fast. The first was about a week in. I was watching an online church service and they did communion. They provided time for the people at home to get something to join and I felt compelled to do so, so I got myself a stale frosted flake and some juice. That was the first solid food I had. The second was with 2 weeks left. I went to a conference of 13,000 people, the auditorium was packed, and at one point they announced that we were going to make a Doritos commercial to submit into the Super Bowl contest. They passed bags of Doritos around and asked everyone to take one chip, then on the count of 3 we all chomped the chip, making the most audible *crunch* I have ever heard. It was an once-in-a-lifetime opportunity that I just couldn’t pass up.
My purpose in fasting was purely spiritual and it was a great success on that front. The secondary source of excitement comes from a physical result of the fast. While I understood that I would probably lose some weight because, well, I wasn’t eating, I figured that since I was drinking a lot of juice which is full of sugar my weight would mostly maintain. Imagine my shock when a friend asked me, half way through, to weigh myself. When I started weight watchers several months ago I weighed 480 pounds. Under any normal circumstances that number would have freaked me out but at the time I had already resolved to change my lifestyle so I recognize that that is just a really high starting point. When I started the fast I had already lost 10 pounds so 41 days ago I weighed 470. Half way through the fast my weight was down dramatically to 435.
I was shocked. Again, I didn’t expect to lose much if any weight and I had lost 35 pounds in a matter of 20 days. That’s unheard of. As you can imagine, that was an exciting bonus and at face value it may have seemed like that was the primary purpose of fasting. It was an unexpected shock and was certainly exciting, and was really the easiest to share news. Since most of what I was doing was praying there wasn’t much to share, but the fact that I’ve lost weight is exciting. So yesterday I went to the doctor and while there I had them weigh me on their very accurate scale. My weight at the end of the fast was 405. I had lost 65 pounds in 40 days! Now, I recognize that becomes my body isn’t used to holding food, because it thinks it has been starving it will probably hoard everything I eat for a few days so I’ll probably gain back 5-10 over the next week, but I’m okay with jump-starting my weight watchers journey with a net loss of 55 lbs.
To give you an idea of how much weight that is, here is a picture of me holding a Shopsmith headstock, it weighs 62 pounds. I could only hold it for about 4 minutes. It is insane to think that 41 days ago I was carrying that, plus 3 sugar bags with me everywhere I went.
So, that is my exciting update. I started the slow journey of become re-acclimated to food today. Prunes and Cheez-Its are not as great a combination as they might sound but it’s better to start slow and not wreak havoc on my body, yet. I’ve decided I will take 1 week off to enjoy some of my favorite foods (though the quantity will be greatly decreased since my stomach has shrunk, I could only eat 10 prunes and 20 crackers before I felt stuffed), and then I’ll be back to weight watchers and back to exercising regularly.
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